IQRF OS 4.0 webinar
29 March 2017
Skype CZ - 10:00 - 11:30 -
Skype EN - 13:00 - 14:30 -
The webinar will touch all new features in the IQRF OS 4.0. The update is mainly focused on the security features such as AES-128 encryption, multilayer security, randomly generated passwords and user keys.
Devices in the Internet of Things are in danger nowadays because there are thousands of new threats created (malware, malicious codes, etc.) every day. Therefore, the new operating system IQRF 4.0 brings ultimate security to IQRF networks.
Security of the IQRF OS 4.0 is based on three different protection layers which are built on AES-128 encryption. The first layer is access encryption used for bonding, CATS services, network backup and restore. The second and third layers are networking encryption and user encryption. Networking encryption is based on TR transceivers equipped with 192 b long unique fully random password individually generated at the factory. IQRF OS minimizes the risk of weak password or key by generating random passwords and keys for communication inside the network.
Learn about all those security features and other features of new operating system.
Register to get more information and link to webinar.
CZ language - 30th March, 2017 - 10:00 to 11:30
EN language - 30th March, 2017 - 13:00 to 14:30